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About Us

The Research Group of Bioaffinity Chromatography and Natural Products (GCBPN) develops projects in two distinct lines of research that are interrelated in the search for bioactive compounds of plant origin, through 1) Development and characterization of enzymatic reactors for screening of combinatorial collections and natural extracts, the search for ligands using multidimensional chromatography and hyphenated techniques; and 2) Development of chromatography methods for the separation and determination of small bioactive molecules belonging to the Brazilian Cerrado plants. Our lines of research seek to develop an analytical tool for screening of active compounds and their application in studies of protein interactions ligands - and inhibitory activity to the isolated compounds and/or crude extracts. As enzymes target the group has worked with cholinesterase (AChE and BChE), Beta-secretase enzymes and especially with the Leishmania parasites enzymes (NDK and NTPDase - 2) and T.cruzi (NTPDase - 1). In addition to studies of activity, kinetic parameters of immobilized enzymes can be achieved by developed methods.

Our team is composed of a vibrant group of postdoctoral researchers, graduated and undergraduate students, all of them working at their individual projects. The permanent staff of the GCBPN is formed by:

  • Carmen Lúcia Cardoso - D.Sc, Doctor Professor level 2
  • Olímpia Paschoal Martins - BsC., Technique